Welcome to
Flin Flon
Founded in 1927, the community was named after fictional character “Josiah Flintabbety Flonatin” and is well known for its successful mining industry. The Flin Flon Greenbelt is known worldwide for having one of the richest known ore deposits. It has been sustainability and successfully mined and refined in the Flin Flon area for 100 years making it the longest, preeminent copper zinc producer in the world.
Municipal Website: https://www.cityofflinflon.ca
The 2016 Census identified 42% of people in Flin Flon had completed their high school and moved on to attain a trade, college or university education.
The census population of Flin Flon, Manitoba and Flin Flon, Saskatchewan was 5185 in 2016 and 5099 in 2021. As of 2021, the combined population of the Region consists of nearly 17,000 residents.
Household Income
Flin Flon’s household income levels are above or comparable to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and national averages. More than 60% of households earn above $50,000 annually, and in 2016, the majority of households were performing at or around the average national and Saskatchewan average.
Above Avg.
Age Profile
The largest age group is between 55 and 59 years old. By 2030, it is expected that more than one-quarter of Flin Flon’s population will be 65 years of age and older. At the time of the 2016 Census, only one-sixth of the population was 65 years and older.
55 & 59
Served primarily by Provincial Trunk Highway 10, a primary arterial that begins at the International Peace Garden along the Canada–United States border and transitions into Highway 106 across the provincial border when passing through Flin Flon and Creighton
PTH 10a is a Secondary Arterial Highway with an RTAC Gross Vehicle Weight restriction of 63500 kilograms. It has a surface width between 7.5 and 9 meters that was paved in the early 2000s using asphalt.
Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Facility for the City of Flin Flon was built in 2013 and is equipped with a 300mm intake pipe
Treatment facility is situated on top of the water storage reservoir, which holds enough emergency water and balances distribution in the range of 900 liters per day per person
Water treatment plant has a 6.5 million litre reservoir
Treatment Plant
Sanitary sewer system uses a series of lift stations and a combined system that collects both storm and wastewater
Existing treatment system consists of a sequencing batch reactor and sludge treatment
Waste Management
Recycling centre located within the city
The recycling facility has processed over 500,000 kilograms of recycled materials in 2021
Digital Infrastructure
Certain residences and businesses in Flin Flon are now eligible for download speeds of up to 1 gigabyte per second
Areas on the fringe of Flin Flon, are eligible for wireless home internet with download speeds between 25 and 60 megabytes per second
Access to Starlink for high-speed internet service
LTE and 4G cellular services are available through numerous service providers. Rogers and Telus offer the greatest LTE/4G coverage across provincial borders, while SaskTel and BellMTS offer greater coverage in their respective jurisdictions.
Electricity is provided to Flin Flon (both Manitoba and Saskatchewan) by Manitoba Hydro
Access to industrial levels of electricity

Housing prices in Flin Flon are significantly lower than the Manitoba and Saskatchewan provincial median. Based on the 2016 Census, the average household value in Flin Flon was $131,628, lower than both provincial averages by more than half. The average monthly costs for housing are also considerably lower than both provincial averages.
Cost of Housing
Flin Flon is served by a wide range of amenities. Nestled in the Precambrian Shield, there is no shortage of beautiful natural scenery and plentiful opportunities for outdoor recreation. As the most populated community in the region, Flin Flon serves as the cultural hub with a variety of entertainment options, sports and recreation facilities, creative arts, as well as its well-established outdoor amenities.

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