Welcome to
Denare Beach
Founded in 1937 soon after the development of the mining centre of Flin Flon and Creighton, Denare Beach was named after the first two letters from (De)partment of (Na)tural (Re)sources. With no shortage of beautiful natural scenery and plentiful opportunities for outdoor recreation, Denare Beach quickly established itself as a beach resort community with accommodations for fishing and authentic outdoor experiences.
Municipal Website: https://www.denarebeach.net
The 2016 Census identified 46.7% of people in Denare Beach had completed their high school and moved on to attain a trade, college or university education. Education services and facilities for Denare Beach are located in the Town of Creighton. There are school bus services to transport children to the Creighton Community School.
The population of Denare Beach is around 802* as of 2021. As of 2021, the FDC Region has a combined population of nearly 17,000 residents.
Household Income
Denare Beach’s household income levels are above or comparable to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and national averages. More than two-thirds of households earn above $70,000 annually, and from 2011 to 2016, the median household increased significantly (40%).
Above Avg.
Age Profile
Denare Beach has a notable number of older adults living in the community. The most significant age group are those between 55 and 59 years old. By 2030, more than one quarter of Denare Beach’s population will be 65 years of age and older. At the time of the 2016 Census, only one-sixth of the population in the Province was 65 years and older.
55 & 59
Transportation network served primarily by Highway 167, a Secondary Weight Highway with weight limited to 41,500 kg
Also serviced by Highway 106, which connects the Village to Crieghton and Flin Flon
Highway 106 also continues west and connects to Prince Albert by PTH 55
Outside of the region, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg are the nearest major markets accessed mainly via highways. Other markets include Thompson, The Pas, and Swan River in Manitoba.
Water Treatment Plant
Served by three wells on the eastern shore of Amisk Lake (upgraded with new mechanical and electrical components in 2009)
Treated water storage capacity for the community is 1,350,000 litres
Current capacity is expected to handle the treatment demand and growth for the next 10-15 years
Treatment Plant
Consists of gravity flow and collection mains, pre-cast concrete manholes, and low-pressure force mains leading to the treatment facility
Treatment facility was upgraded in 2013
Available capacity to meet the expected need, based on seasonal and population growth projections for the area
Waste Management
Municipal landfill located 2 km north of the municipality west of Highway 167
Garbage is picked up twice a week in the spring and summer, and once a week in fall and winter
Recycling pick-up provided by the Village
Digital Infrastructure
Access to high-speed internet
Sasktel as the main service provider for internet and cellular service
Access to Starlink for high-speed internet service
Electricity is provided to Denare Beach by SaskPower

Housing prices in Denare Beach are significantly lower than the provincial median. Based on the 2016 Census, the average household value in Denare Beach was $204,718, considerably lower than the provincial average of $318,917. The average monthly costs for housing are also considerably lower than the provincial average.
Cost of Housing

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